fzf: 0.55.0

0.55.0 #

(August 2024)

Exact-boundary-match type #

fzf 0.55.0 added exact-boundary-match type to its search syntax. When a search term is single-quoted, fzf will search for the exact occurrences of the string with both ends at word boundaries.

fzf --query "'here'" << EOF
come here
not there

Unlike in regular expressions, this also sees an underscore as a word boundary. But the words around underscores are ranked lower and appear later in the result than the other words around the other types of word boundaries.

fzf now supports OSC 8 escape sequences for hyperlinks both in the preview window and the main window.

printf '<< \e]8;;http://github.com/junegunn/fzf\e\\Link to \e[32mfz\e[0mf\e]8;;\e\\ >>' | fzf --ansi

fzf --preview "printf '<< \e]8;;http://github.com/junegunn/fzf\e\\Link to \e[32mfz\e[0mf\e]8;;\e\\ >>'"


Line comments are now allowed in $FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS and in $FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS_FILE.

# Layout options

--info=inline-right   # Show info on the right side of the prompt line

# ...

Vim plugin update: exit callback #

A spec for fzf#run can have exit callback that is called with the exit status of fzf. This can be used to clean up temporary resources or restore the original state when fzf is closed without a selection.

I added this to implement live preview of color schemes in :Colors command of fzf.vim project.

Because the color scheme is changed on the fly on focus event, I needed a way to restore the original color scheme when fzf is closed without a selection.

Bash completion: default completion for all commands #

fzf --bash now sets up default completion so that fuzzy path completion is enabled for any command without a custom completion defined.

Last modified: Aug 30, 2024
Copyright © 2024 Junegunn Choi